Sunday, July 25, 2004 |
There are more then fifty(50) torrents in the Torrents section. Now it includes an Action sub-category in the Movie category.
*UPDATE*: Added to the Torrents section. |
Friday, July 23, 2004 |
I have added many more Torrents and plan to do so in the near future.
*UPDATE*: Added to the Torrents section. |
Wednesday, July 21, 2004 |
I has been five(5) months and one(1) day since Games, etc. has had an update. The new Grand Theft Auto III pictures have been lost because of an unexpected deletion of the folder that it was in. I will be adding on to the Torrents section soon.
*UPDATE*: Added the Torrents section. |
Tuesday, January 27, 2004 |
I am sorry for not updating Games, etc. for a very very long time. Mean while I had been collecting data to add to Games, etc. I have a bunch of new and action packed game pictures which I will be sure to add soon.
*UPDATE*: Added to the Links Page. *UPDATE*: Added to the Personal Game Rating section. |
Sunday, November 9, 2003 |
As you know there is a I have not updated Games, etc. for a while. That is because I am a little bit too busy to be working on it. I will soon resume the same updating pace as I have done before. |
Sunday, October 19, 2003 |
I keep adding more links to the Link's Page so keep looking for them.
*UPDATE*: Mt.Eden Cross Country Picture section has been added. |
Wednesday, October 15, 2003 |
I like BattleField 1942 so much I have added the expansion pictures to the site.
*UPDATE*: Added BattleField 1942: Secret Weapons Of WWII to the Game Pictures section. |
Tuesday, October 14, 2003 |
Got some more pictures from my games add will add them in soon. Keep yourself busy by checking out the new StarCraft pictures.
*UPDATE*: Added StarCraft Pack 2 to the Game Pictures section. |
Monday, October 13, 2003 |
I have updated the Personal Game Rating section and plan to make more updates soon, but after that I expect to update this site atleast once a week.
*UPDATE*: The Personal Game Rating section has been updated. |
Sunday, October 12, 2003 |
Many more links have been added to the Links Page so check it out.
*UPDATE*: The Links Page has been updated. |
Saturday, October 11, 2003 |
I have many more links to add to the Links Page. I plan to update this site at least every week so check in often.
*UPDATE*: The Unreal Tournament 2003 picture page has been updated. |
Saturday, October 4, 2003 |
Be sure to check up on the Links Page. I have add more sections and many more links. I am still working on the Unreal Tournament 2003 picture page.
*UPDATE*: The Links Page has been updated. |
Sunday, September 28, 2003 |
I am updating the Unreal Tournment 2003 picture page and are in need of more links. If you have any website links please post a message in the Message Board.
*UPDATE*: The Links Page has been updated. *UPDATE*: The Personal Game Rating has been updated. |
Monday, September 22, 2003 |
Every update of this News table, the Old News Page will be updated.
*UPDATE*: Thanks to IGOTF1eM, the Links Page has been updated. |
Sunday, September 21, 2003 |
Finally there the Links Page is up. It will be updated from time to time. |
Saturday, September 20, 2003 |
There is an Old New Page up so that this front page will not be filled up with just news. |
Friday, September 12, 2003 |
If you visit this page please visit and sign the guest book at the message board. I am still trying to finish the links page(s). |
Monday, September 1, 2003 |
The Message Board is up, but it is still in progress. Please wait... |
Tuesday, August 26, 2003 |
A Message Board will be up soon.
*UPDATE*: The Personal Game Rating section has been updated. |
Thursday, August 21, 2003 |
The Personal Game Rating section is up! The next section, that will take a while, will be a links page. It will give you a easy way to reach known and unknown websites of all sorts. There will be some Tripod Gears also coming soon. |
Friday, August 15, 2003 |
This is the first day the site is up. There will be a Personal Game Rating section soon. |